Reconfigurable Computing Systems Lab


Aras An Phiarsaigh

Trinity College Dublin

RCSL is led by Dr. Shreejith Shanker and brings together researchers with the interests in application acceleration, computer architecture design, communication networks and embedded systems. Our vision is to explore the interplay between hardware and software, as well as computation and communication for reimagining and enhancing digital systems and infrastructure across different technology domains. The areas we explore in our research span from light weight embedded systems, architecture of in-vehicle safety-critical systems, energy-efficient architectures for deep neural network acceleration to high-quality image and video processing accelerators for post-production tasks.


Oct 18, 2024 Lab page is live!

selected publications

  1. Reconfigurable Computing in Next Generation Automotive Networks
    Shanker Shreejith, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Martin Lukasiewycz
    Embedded Systems Letters, 2013
  2. Extensible FlexRay Communication Controller for FPGA-Based Automotive Systems
    S Shreejith, and S. A Fahmy
    Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015
  3. Virtualized FPGA accelerators for efficient cloud computing
    Suhaib A Fahmy, Kizheppatt Vipin, and Shanker Shreejith
    In 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2015
  4. VEGa: A high performance vehicular Ethernet gateway on hybrid FPGA
    Shanker Shreejith, Philipp Mundhenk, Andreas Ettner, and 4 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2017
  5. Efficient spectrum sensing for aeronautical LDACS using low-power correlators
    Shanker Shreejith, Libin K Mathew, Vinod A Prasad, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2018
  6. Build automation and runtime abstraction for partial reconfiguration on Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+
    Alex R Bucknall, Shanker Shreejith, and Suhaib A Fahmy
    In 2020 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT), 2020
  7. Real-time zero-day Intrusion Detection System for Automotive Controller Area Network on FPGAs
    Shashwat Khandelwal, and Shanker Shreejith
    In 34th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, 2023
  8. Exploring Highly Quantised Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection in Automotive CAN
    Shashwat Khandelwal, and Shanker Shreejith
    In 33rd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, 2023
  9. Smart network interfaces for advanced automotive applications
    Shanker Shreejith, and Suhaib A Fahmy
    IEEE Micro, 2018
  10. A case for FPGA-based accelerators for energy-efficient motion picture video processing
    Jason Boyle, and Shreejith Shanker
    In Applications of Digital Image Processing XLVI, 2023